What to do to avoid online search traps? Let everyone know

Everyday life is getting easier, faster and better - no doubt about it. if you do not want to consume home-cooked meals, you may order it by Google if you need. This has introduced to the consolation of dwelling, however, has additionally added to the fear of cyber attacks.

     Ways to prevent cyber trapping from online search:

1. Be sure to double-check the website address:

Before and after entering a site with attachments or links,

check the URL of the website carefully. Hackers create fake sites with almost the same name and encourage them to search/login! Those sites are knowns as phishing sites and this cyber attack is called phishing attack.

2. Using Trusted antivirus:

there's no alternative to antivirus in case you use the
internet on a computer or mobile phone. 
purchase a licensed version of a very good quality antivirus from the marketplace without having to download the nameless free antivirus online.

3. Keep devices and software updated:

This is most important for cyber security.
Many still use many devices / operating systems that manufacturers no longer support. The risk of cyber attack is the highest! Some people turn off auto-update again to save a few MB - don't do that. Keep all software updated to stay safe.

4. Never Use public WiFi:

Refrain from using public WiFi unless private.

Even if you need to use it, it is better not to search in the search engine that is logged in using public WiFi and not to write anything anywhere.

If you fall into the trap, take immediate action. If you are a victim of phishing or enter a username, password or banking details in the wrong place, inform the authorities as soon as you can. Also, go to the corresponding account settings and change the password and Log Out From All Devices.



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